A First-Of-Its-Kind Magazine On Environment Which Is For Nature, Of Nature, By Us (RNI No.: UPBIL/2016/66220)

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Killing trees is causing weather change... but who cares!

TreeTake is a monthly bilingual colour magazine on environment that is fully committed to serving Mother Nature with well researched, interactive and engaging articles and lots of interesting info.

Killing trees is causing weather change... but who cares!

he pavements and public spaces in urban areas are government-owned and only they have the right to utilize them- or grant permission to the willing to plant trees there. But there is a lack of will...

Killing trees is causing weather change... but who cares!

It is indeed a very alarming scenario! On the one hand, there is no respite from heatwaves- hot and extremely humid weather-even in the middle of June, on the other hand,  various government departments, including forest,  are cutting down sturdy, old trees for so-called development adding an irreparable loss to our biosphere. And let me remind you: No amount of sapling plantation is going to bridge this loss! It is like killing the only earning members of poor families and then assuring them of compensatory employment for their little ones when they grow up!

Have these people lost their minds? Can't they see the drastic impact such a fast-paced deforestation is having on our environment? The climate is changing overnight! You keep talking about the El Nino effect or western disturbance among other factors like greenhouse gases, and transport fumes, but the truth is that the major destruction is being caused by irresponsible and unthoughtful damage to green cover. No justification for short distances, safe routes, or public facilities can be digested because we are all suffering. The over-privileged few who sit in luxury are the only ones to benefit. The majority will fall prey to adverse weather and even be deprived of their livelihood. How can a roadside vendor work during such blistering hot weather? Who will come to buy from him in any case? Even auto drivers and cab drivers don't wish to venture out in such insane weather,  choosing life over livelihood. Where would the GDP go then?

Even various studies reveal a drastic loss in GDP and populations (both human and flora/fauna) in the not-too-far future. I say their predictions will come true much earlier. Here we can't really blame the common man. The ACs have now become a necessity. If by planting rows of indigenous trees, the need for air conditioning can be halved, why is the government not doing so? The pavements and public spaces in urban areas are government-owned and only they have the right to utilize them- or grant permission to the willing to plant trees there. But there is a lack of will. AC manufacturers are friends who cannot be miffed! The encroachments fetch hafta and removing them for tree planting is not profitable. The government departments cut a maximum of trees to extend the facility, parking lot, and - what they think- is beautification. Visit government buildings and the point will be proven. The ball is in the court of the authorities but there is a lack of good and honest players!

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