A First-Of-Its-Kind Magazine On Environment Which Is For Nature, Of Nature, By Us (RNI No.: UPBIL/2016/66220)

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I wonder how anyone can abandon a pet

TreeTake is a monthly bilingual colour magazine on environment that is fully committed to serving Mother Nature with well researched, interactive and engaging articles and lots of interesting info.

I wonder how anyone can abandon a pet

The rescues continued when I adopted two Labradors from Thane CPCA (formerly known as Thane SPCA), and then again adopted two more...

I wonder how anyone can abandon a pet

Parenting A Pet

Jyotika Roy says she finds peace with every rescue

I have been associated with the field of animal welfare for the past 30 years since the time when my mother used to rescue stray dogs and bring them home for treatment. Never once did I wonder how tedious it is to raise a pet dog and now, I have five dogs and a cat at my home. I always think that they have taught me something precious that the years of animal caring experience did not- and that is unconditional love. In a world where everything comes for a price, pets are the only ones that remain unaffected by all the money or creature comforts.  They have never let us down. They are devoted to us!

I rescued my first dog in 2012 and named him Boo after President Obama’s dog. My first encounter with Boo was when I had gone for an evening walk and saw a black dog running after every type of two-wheeler. The sheer helplessness and confusion of its actions made me realise someone had abandoned it. I questioned myself how could someone be so evil. I immediately brought him to my house. I faced strong opposition from my son, who today is best friends with him.

The rescues continued when I adopted two Labradors from Thane CPCA (formerly known as Thane SPCA), and then again adopted two more. My rescues continued because every time I rescued a soul, I found peace. Adopting Boo, Honey, Emmy, Leo and Zara was the best decision of my life, though I also saw and faced the evil side of society as a pet owner. However., I stood my ground. My dogs are not just my family but my companions spending every minute of every day with me because you can have the worse happen to you and you can get over it, all you need is a companion.

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