A First-Of-Its-Kind Magazine On Environment Which Is For Nature, Of Nature, By Us (RNI No.: UPBIL/2016/66220)

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Meet Gittu, a hopping bundle of joy

TreeTake is a monthly bilingual colour magazine on environment that is fully committed to serving Mother Nature with well researched, interactive and engaging articles and lots of interesting info.

Meet Gittu, a hopping bundle of joy

The past five years have been best with Gittu. Pets actually work as an amazing ice breaker during everyday activities...

Meet Gittu, a hopping bundle of joy

Parenting A Pet

Aastha Sharma, who works as software test engineer and lives in Chandigarh, finds her rabbit a better companion than a dog

Somethings are destined and that’s how ‘Gittu' came to my life. I went looking for a pup, but instead ended up bringing  home a rabbit! It was a month old and I needed a companion and Gittu ended being much more than that. His tantrums, his hopping around the house and munching on favourite treats give me an escape from the mundane home-office-home run. In summer you will find him lounging in the coolest part of the house catching on beauty sleep, thus making me, a sleep deprived workaholic, jealous.

But keeping a pet and that too an exotic one comes with its own set of challenges. Gittu had a brother too, which I lost when it got sick after an infection. With rabbit not a popular pet in Indian households, it’s hard to find a vet who can treat or guide you about the care an animal like this needs. After much search I did find a vet passionate about animals who really helped me, and of-course google was always there. I have stuck to a simple principle with Gittu and that is to maintain healthy diet, plenty of water and clean environment.

The past five years have been best with Gittu. Pets actually work as an amazing ice breaker during everyday activities. They are the best companion and provide unconditional love. I have become more selfless, patient and caring. Gittu likes to munch on fresh green leaves such as coriander, radish leaves, spinach. But his absolute favourites are peas. The care for a pet is constant. You have to be vigilant of any signs of a problem and act. Keep the cage clean with lots of hay and fresh water. With peak summers Gittu relishes on a diet of apples and bananas and his treats include raisins and almonds once a day. Well, I haven’t thought of having another pet as I realise that the bond we share is special.


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