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Dog-friendly herbs that grow well in shade

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Dog-friendly herbs that grow well in shade

Did you know that certain herbs can also add nutritional value to your dog’s meal?

Dog-friendly herbs that grow well in shade

Plants & Pets

TreeTake Network

Many dogs will be inclined to munch on the plants in an herb garden, as they are inclined to munch on other plants. Some animal experts have asserted that pets intuitively eat plants according to their specific medicinal value, that is, as long as they have several plants to choose from. The problem, however, is that we choose our plants for beauty rather than edibility. Thus, not all herbs are safe for dogs to eat. So, when a pet has only household plants or landscaping to choose from, it can lead to something more serious than a bellyache, especially if the plants are toxic or sprayed with chemical pesticides and fertilizers. But, given the right plants to Most of these plants are simple to grow and inexpensive to boot. Many herbs are best grown in full sunlight, but some may be grown in partial shade or full shade.

Full Shade Herbs

Mint (Mentha spp.) is a common herb used in the kitchen in salads, drinks and desserts. This herb is well-suited for partial shade but may be grown in full shade. This plant tends to take over garden space once established, so tend it carefully. Mint may aid a dog's indigestion. Burdock (Articum lappa) is hardy and may grow as tall as 9 feet. This plant, sometimes thought of as a weed in some regions, is used in Asian cooking and medicines. Burdock is used to treat kidney issues and digestive problems. This plant may or may not treat these symptoms in a dog, but burdock may be consumed by a dog without harm. Burdock plant will grow in a variety of light conditions, from full shade to full sun. Like mint, this plant can take over your garden if left untended.

Partial Shade

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is an immune-boosting herb that is best grown in full sun but can live in partial shade. Calendula (Calendula officinalus), also known as pot marigold, is an annual plant. The blossoms from this flower may be used in salads. The antioxidants in these plants help boost the immune system. Blossoms from this plant may also be used to make a tea to treat skin irritations on dogs and humans. Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) is a common herb used to make soothing teas. This will work on dogs as well as people, according to reports.


Some veterinarians believe that dogs are inclined to eat plants when they need to. For example, some theorize that dogs eat grass when their stomachs are upset, in order to induce vomiting. A dog that changes its usual behaviour by eating herbs and plants it wouldn't normally consume may be doing so because it knows it needs to. Dog owners who notice a change in behaviour should be mindful of the dog's actions. Dogs displaying alarming symptoms of illness should be taken to the vet. In addition, any pet owner considering feeding their dog an herb from the garden, as a means of treating a symptom the dog displays, should check with a veterinarian.

Keeping dogs out of your garden

Gardeners should take care to keep their dogs out of their herb gardens even if the herbs are considered safe for consumption. Dogs that trample through herb gardens and eat the plants may still get sick if they eat too much, and obviously this also can be damaging to the plants. Sturdy fencing will keep out many dogs. As an alternative, homeowners may consider planting their gardens on raised beds contained by wooden landscape timbers. Young dogs may be trained to stay away from garden spaces. Many vets are a big proponent of adding healthy fruits and veggies to dogs’ diets. The nutrients and vitamins that these delicious foods offer is undeniable. But what about herbs? Did you know that certain herbs can also add nutritional value to your dog’s meal? The best part is you don’t need a large amount of space to grow herbs – you don’t even need a lawn! All you need is some indoor space with natural sunlight, and you’re ready to grow! Check out this list of dog friendly herbs you can grow in your home.

Dog Friendly Herbs

Lavender: Lavender is proven to be effective in easing human and animal anxiety. Its soothing properties can be helpful if your dog is stressed out. Often times lavender essential oils are used for anxious dogs and humans, and it can also be an effective insect repellent. Fresh lavender can be used to make essential oils for your dog’s healing needs, but make sure your pup does not ingest any type of essential oil.

Rosemary: Rosemary is a popular herb for human food dishes, and you may want to start adding it to your dog’s meals! It’s a natural antioxidant, packed with calcium and iron.

Basil: Basil is an extremely easy herb to grow. It can be grown by your kitchen sink with light from the window and it thrives! Basil has wonderful anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that can be beneficial to your dog.

Mint: Mint can be used to freshen your dog’s breath, just like it can for humans. It’s also known to aid in your dog’s digestive process. If your dog has an upset tummy, try adding some mint to a meal or treat.

Parsley: Like mint, parsley will keep your dog’s breath smelling fresh! It is also full of vitamins B, C and K. Parsley is a good source of iron as well.

Thyme: Thyme is like a great mixture of all the above herbs. It is an antioxidant full of vitamins and anti-bacterial properties. Thyme has the ability to assist in your dog’s cognitive function and gastrointestinal processes.

Ginger: Ginger is a great natural remedy for your dog’s upset stomach. It can soothe nausea, which is great if you have a pup who suffers from motion sickness.

Like humans, dogs can have allergic or poor reactions to herbs and foods. When giving your furry friend something new, be sure to look out for any negative effects. If you think your dog is having a reaction to an herb or food, contact your local veterinarian immediately. If you have any specific questions on the dog friendly herbs listed above, please consult your vet.


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